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Click the amend button adjacent to ‘Job Title’.

The product must be chosen from the drop-down menu list.

The application also must be highlighted from the list, if the product is to be approved against more than one application, this can be done by holding down the ctrl key and selecting each application.

Product Name - is the name that will appear on the Licence, if it is the same as the Job Title, it needs to be repeated, as Product Name is a mandatory field.

Brand Name - also appears on the Licence, so must be entered. You may require a different Brand Name for different market areas, under these circumstances a new certificate should be applied for which can be linked to the original certificate in the Job Details area (Previous Certificate Number).

Type Number – If you have a series of products, that are similar, then you may wish to state a Type number, as the front page of the Licence will only show the first model number or a Type Number.

Manufacturer – The name of the manufacturer

Previous Certificate Number – a previous Licence number of an approved product that is so similar to the new application, that no further test work is required. A good example of this is a new Brand Name that requires a different Licence number. (Do not use this field for modifications, or additional models, to be added to an existing approval).

Comments – as with all comments boxes, it is only relevant to the page.

Click the Update button to save your entries.

The appropriate address details also need to be added. The general address must always be completed and if other address is left blank, then all correspondences, including invoicing will be sent to the general address.

View/Print All Details – Allows you to view the progress of your job

View History – This allows you to view the history once the product has been approved. It will identify modifications, Type Testing, etc.