Job List

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To add a job, click on the Add New Enquiry button. You will be required to put in a job title, this is a small sentence that describes the job and allows for an easy search within your job list.

The client requirements have four sections:

  1. If you require any additional information from an ECB, then click on additional information, enter the certification body and enter your requirements in the comments section.
  2. To apply for test work only, click this requirement. On completion of the test work you will need to apply for the Licence separately.
  3. To apply for a Licence after completing the test work, click on EUBAC Licence (Existing Test Report).
  4. To apply for test work and a eu.bac Licence at the same time, click the requirement ‘eu.bac Licence plus Test Work. (For your first application it is suggested that you use this requirement, as you will need to arrange your factory inspection in parallel with the test work).

The comments section is not mandatory and you should only use it for enquiries or to provide any basic information. Any model details or specifications should be entered in the appropriate pages, after you have registered the new job.

To open the new job, click ‘Select Job’ in the Job List page.